Du sens, de la mémoire, s.v.p.! / Make sense, remember, please!

Nonsense, amnesia and other conventional wisdom are the targets here:
A critical look at media-political discourse in Canadian federal politics, notably but not only regarding the Quebec-Canada relationship. Also of interest: the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canada, and Canada's place in the world. In early days, this blog will be tiny. We'll see if it may grow.

La sottise, l'amnésie et autre sens commun sont mes cibles: un regard critique sur le discours politico-médiatique en politique fédérale canadienne, notamment en ce qui concerne la relation Québec-Canada. Aussi: la relation entre les peuples autochtones et le Canada, et la place du Canada dans le monde. Ce blog commence tout petit. On verra s'il peut bien grandir.

mercredi 31 août 2011

Poll update: life after Jack

Yesterday's Huffington Post Canada made a big deal of an obsolete opinion poll that indicated that the NDP might be weaker without Jack Layton (see my previous posting). Today, it's making a smaller deal (but still) of stronger NDP numbers in a poll done during the week of mourning after Layton's death. Who knows how robust these numbers are and how long they will hold but, as of now at least, they're not obsolete. Today's HPC article is at: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/08/31/ndp-support-surges-jack-layton-death_n_943377.html.

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